Adidas back at cheap prices -two backpack at Rs.750Few days back we posted this backpack offer but unfortunately has changed its policy of allowing Rs.250 off on purchase of Rs.1000 but good days are back again as Rs.250 off on purchase of Rs.1000 offer is back. So, follow the below steps and take home these beautiful and branded Adidas backpacks at cheap prices:- Click here to visit and register yourself for new account and get 2 coupons of Rs.250 in your email.
- After creating new account Select any 2 bags from the below links and use Rs. 250 credit to get 2 ADIDAS backpacks at 750 only
- Adidas Red Backpack worth Rs.500 at just Rs.325
- Adidas Black Backpack worth Rs.500 at just Rs.325
- Adidas Brown Backpack worth Rs.500 at just Rs.325
Or just add Rs.100 extra to your budget and get these more stylish Adidas backpack
Adidas back at cheap prices -two backpack at Rs.750